
The Recent Past

Over the course of time it became evident that the spendthrift Nandwana community could not continue to grow and prosper in the industrially underdeveloped areas of Kutch and Saurashtra. Some of them then moved to the newly developing industrial zones in the coal belt of Bihar State. The first person to move to Bihar was Shri Kanji Monji Vankani in the year 1831 AD. After this, a large number of Nandwanas moved to Bihar.

Initially they worked as employees in the coal industry. Soon they took over as contractors and later began to buy the coal mines. Once again the community prospered and grew as more relatives joined them in this part of India.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s the Government of India nationalised the coal industry and suddenly the community lost the source of income which was supporting over half its menbers. However, true to their entrepreneurial spirit, many Nandwanas moved on to the other parts of India and abroad and establised them selves. Today by the grace of God and blessings of Ma Vakrangi they continue to do well and prosper whereever they are.

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