Nandwana Community
The United States of America
Six years after the publication of first edition in
1991, the second edition of the directory of the Nandwana Community in
U.S.A. is ready and is being mailed to all community members in U.S.A. If
you have not yet received your copy, please contact:
D. V. Boal
(214) 692 - 0192
From 43 families in 1991, we have grown to about 65
families and 172 members in six years. We wish that with the blessings of
Ma Vakrangi, community will futher grow and prosper. The compilation of
this directory was possible because of active interest taken by
Pratima Mewar , Chandrakant Parkhani,
and Hemant Ojha.There is not much substance on our web
pages at the moment. However, with your cooperation and blessings of
Ma Vakrangi, we can design better, usefull information on the web.
More pages on the following topics are being planned:
History of Nandwana Community in U.S.A.
Interactive Community Database
Your active participation is needed to create and
maintain these web pages. Your suggestions, comments, and help will be
very much apppreciated.If you have any material for the History page,
please send it to me.
Please enter your comments in the
Guest Bookand also check
the Community Directory. If you are
not listed and you cannot find your name with Address Search,
please fill and submit the Survey Form
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