Nandimukh Brahmins were priests to Yadav dynasty, the dynasty of Lord Krishna. Krishana's father Vasudeva sent our ancestor Shri Sukhdevji to King Bhismak of Vidarbha. He was to ask for King Bhismak's daughter Rukhmani's hand in marriage for Lord Krishna.
King Bhismak happily accepted this offer and approved of the marriage, giving a great deal of respect to Sukhdevji. Bhismek looked after Suhkdevji well until he returned to Vasudeva at Dwarka with good news. A date was fixed for the engagement of Lord Krishna and Rukhmani. However, it emerged that Rukhmani's older brother Rukhman, was opposed to this alliance. Rukhman had already promised Rukhmani in marriage to his friend Shishupal, King of Magadh.
Rukhman's father and three brothers persuaded him to change his mind on this but Rukhman did not agree. Eventually, Rukhmani who herself wanted to marry Lord Krishna wrote to him and asked him to meet her at Goddess Parvati's temple. Lord Krishna went there along with his elder brother Balram and their forces, and carried Rukhmani away after a fierce battle with Rukhman. Krishna took her with him to Dwarka where they were married.
At this stage Nandimukh Brahmin decided to give up priesthood . Lord Krishna agreed to their request and relieved them of this responsibility. On giving up priesthood, our ancestors decided that they would no longer accept any alms or offerings with which Brahmins usually sustained them selves.
After giving up priesthood, some of our ancestors moved north (presently Uttar Pradesh). The ones that went north, settled in Uttarkhand area of U.P. Many of those who remained in Dwarka were drowned when the city was submerged in the ocean. The splitting and decimation of the clan made it smaller and more fragmented, but they still prospered in the different areas that they settled in. However, they were unable t stay in northern India for too long. It rained and snowed incessantly in northern India for a long time. The people who had settled there decided to look for a more salubrious climate to settle in. Being fed up with rain, one group of our ancestors decided to move on to an area with a very little rainfall. They moved to Barmer in Rajasthan which in those days was the Kingdom of Virani. Here they found conditions favourable for living and for business and decided to settle there.
With the hard working nature and inherent abilities and talents, the Nandimukhs soon prospered in business and also became advisors to the King. It is said that the Kingdom of Virani became very prosperous because of the Nandimukhs' talents.
Many generations of our ancestors continued to advice a succession of kings, and prospered in business at the same time.